New Paradigms in Health  Self-Healing Vaccines  Post COVID-19 Syndrome


For decades, scientists have sought to develop vaccines that not only prevent diseases but also cure them, encompassing both infectious and immunological diseases, and even cancer. Traditionally, vaccines have been classified into two types: preventive, or conventional, and therapeutic.

Conventional vaccines are administered as a preventive measure against infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and toxins. These vaccines stimulate the immune system so that when encountering the pathogenic agent, the body can effectively defend itself by producing specific immunoglobulins or antibodies. Therefore, they are intended for healthy individuals.

On the other hand, there are so-called therapeutic vaccines, which as their name implies, are used in sick individuals to cure them of a disease and aim to stimulate the immune system to eliminate, for example, cancer cells.

Recently, a "vaccine" against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, responsible for the COVID-19 disease, has been developed using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology never before used in humans. This approach involves the introduction of a mRNA strand encoding a portion of the Spike protein of the virus into human cells so that, at the cellular ribosome level, that portion of the protein is synthesized and it was expected that the immune system would recognize it as foreign and develop immunity against COVID-19, thus protecting against the disease.

Three doses and boosters are required to achieve protective immunity. Although immediate, intermediate, and long-term adverse effects were not known, groups of researchers and independent scientists predicted adverse effects that could be complex.

The unwanted post-vaccination effects described resemble what is called post-viral syndrome, common in diseases such as Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, and influenza. In Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome, symptoms range from fatigue, muscle aches, dizziness, depression, tinnitus, and joint pain to the appearance of more severe inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease like myocardial infarctions, strokes, complex lung problems, and more recently what has been described as the emergence of "excess of unexpected deaths" basically caused by various types of aggressive onset cancer and in young people that could be related to the administration of this vaccine.

But the most important thing is to maintain a competent and active immune system to protect us from viruses, bacteria, and eliminate the cancer cells that our body produces daily. Within Biological or Bio-Regulatory Medicine, ozone auto-vaccine (minor auto-hemotherapy) has been shown to be an effective way to modulate the immune system. It has been proven that ozone (O3, a natural gas with three oxygen atoms) modulates the immune system because it promotes the synthesis and release of cytokines, which can be immune-stimulating or immune-suppressive, through the activation of monocytes and T lymphocytes. When ozone comes into contact with blood, second messengers such as H2O2, lipoperoxides, ozonides, and aldehydes are generated, which stimulate the production of proteins and cytokines, and it is these that ultimately modulate the immune system of the patient receiving this auto-vaccine.

Ozone auto-vaccine is a therapeutic vaccine when indicated as adjunctive treatment in pro-inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, etc.), in all types of allergies including bronchial asthma, in cancer, and in any disease linked to suppression or overstimulation of the immune system.

Ozone therapy and especially ozone auto-vaccine is very effective in modulating the immune system after a viral infection. There is a lot of published information on patients with Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya, endemic viral diseases where the immune system is prevailing super-stimulated and fatigue, inflammation, muscle aches are part of the post-viral syndrome. COVID-19, being a pro-inflammatory and thromboembolic viral disease also presents post-viral syndrome for several months and years.

It has been shown that in people with active COVID-19, Post COVID-19 Syndrome, and Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome, ozone therapy is a very effective complementary treatment that has helped many people around the world.

On the other hand, ozone auto-vaccine is a preventive vaccine when applied in sessions and cycles of Ozone Therapy in healthy individuals to protect against virus and bacterial infections, prevent the onset of cancer, and modulate or strengthen the immune system in the long term.

Ozone auto-vaccine is a very simple procedure that has no medical contraindication. It consists of extracting 5 milliliters of blood from the patient, which are ozonized and placed intramuscularly. It must be performed in a specialized health center and by qualified personnel to administer it.

The Ozone 369 team led by Dr. Carmen Helena Acevedo has designed a protocol called Immune Booster to enhance your immune system and generate more health and well-being.

Authored by: Carmen Helena Acevedo




Are you experiencing fatigue, muscle aches, dizziness, depression, tinnitus, brain fog, and joint pain? Or even experiencing more severe inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease like myocardial infarctions, strokes, complex lung problems?


You may be facing a Post COVID19 Syndrome.


Ozone 369 Team is here to help.

Check our Immune Booster. 3 Ozonated auto vaccines that will help to support your Immune System and help your body to get back to the energy and vitality you need.


¿Estás experimentando fatiga, dolores musculares, mareos, depresión, tinnitus, confusión mental y dolor en las articulaciones? ¿O incluso padeces enfermedades inflamatorias más graves como enfermedades autoinmunes, enfermedades cardiovasculares como infartos de miocardio, accidentes cerebrovasculares, problemas pulmonares complejos?

Podrías haber desarrollado el Síndrome Post COVID-19.

El equipo de Ozone 369 esta aquí para ayudarte.

Te ofrecemos nuestro Immune Booster. Son 3 autovacunas ozonizadas que ayudarán a activar tu sistema inmunológico y que tu cuerpo recupere la energía y vitalidad que necesitas.

Written by Carmen Acevedo

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